

Compliance is all the legal things you have to do when you’re in business- Year End Accounts, CRO Returns, Corporation Tax and Income Tax. ‍In the context of financial services businesses compliance operates at two levels; ‍Compliance with the external rules...
Extracting Income from your Limited Company

Extracting Income from your Limited Company

We have reviewed some of the ways to extract your hard earned profits from your company. With a limited company structure in place, it will provide you with the vehicle to build up wealth, however there may be an ongoing requirement to extract some of this wealth to...
Reduce your Vat liability

Reduce your Vat liability

One of the most common questions that our clients ask us is What VAT can I claim back to reduce my VAT liability? Firstly, we always advise our clients that VAT charged by them is not their money, so park it, open a VAT account and lodge it. Do not lean on VAT as a...
The Decision to Incorporate

The Decision to Incorporate

The end of the year is often a time for business owners to reflect on the year past and the year ahead. One such consideration could be the structure within which one operates their business. At Corvidae, we are frequently asked the question should I incorporate my...
What is a Company Annual Return?

What is a Company Annual Return?

A Company Annual Return (Form B1) records standing data on a company such as registered address, shareholders, share transfers and directors. All companies are required to file an Annual Return (Form B1) with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) each year. A...
What do Revenue know about you ?

What do Revenue know about you ?

Revenue has access to the following information about you. Properties Do you have a letting agent looking after your property? If so, your letting agent has to return the rents you earn to Revenue.They also receive information on the rental sector from; Residential...